A&S - Artoni & Samer srl
Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia 7 - 34121 Trieste, ITALY
ph. +39 040 67027225 | Fax +39 040 365988


Redaelli Tecna S.p.a. is a company specialized in the production of wire ropes for off-shore, cableways and tensostructures.

Guinness World Record

On 18th May 2010, Redaelli was awarded the Guinness World Record for their Flexpack steel wire rope.
With a length of 3.020 m., a diameter of 164 mm. and a weight of 361, 1 tons, its high resistance to axial and transverse pressure is the answer to off shore industries which need the most advanced high technology product.
The Trieste production facility, established in 2009, is situated within the port of Trieste: a perfect base with high technology capabilities and logistics infrastructure (A&S) for the handling of heavy lift cargoes in export.